Fitness Center
First News
In its most general meaning, physical fitness is a general state of good physical health. A person with a physical impairment may be physically fit and healthy, though their performance on tasks requiring full bodily function in the area of impairment will be affected.
Second News
Physical fitness is a result of regular physical activity, proper diet and nutrition, and proper rest for physical recovery within the parameters allowed by the genome.

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In its most general meaning, physical fitness is a general state of good physical health. A person with a physical impairment may be physically fit and healthy, though their performance on tasks requiring full bodily function in the area of impairment will be affected.

Physical fitness is a result of regular physical activity, proper diet and nutrition, and proper rest for physical recovery within the parameters allowed by the genome.

A human may be said to be physically fit to perform a particular task with a reasonable efficiency, for example, fit for military service. Fitness testing is conducted for fire fighters and police officers to determine if they are capable of the physically demanding tasks required for the job before they are employed.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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